Ces associations sont les clefs du succès pour rentrer dans ce marché plein de promesses. En effet l’Australie est un pays dans lequel le relationnel joue un rôle primordial. Cela est facilité par l’existence de nombreux événements sociaux durant lequel le business se discute et les liens se forment.
Les organisateurs sont souvent le personnel des sociétés elles même, et n’hésitent pas également à sponsoriser les évènements. Il y dans ces cas-là une forte reconnaissance de la communauté minière. Chaque états a son organisation propre.
Faire partie de ces associations est un élément important de la stratégie de développement des sociétés qui veulent s’intégrer dans cette communauté.
Voici ci-joint quelques-unes de ces associations avec un lien afin que vous puissiez avoir plus de détails.
Pour plus d’information, n’hésitez pas a me contacter. Je tacherais de vous informer des événements clefs dans les différents états.
The peak body representing all professionals in the global resources sector – 13 000 membres – https://ausimm.com/
Leading industry body for the Australian Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) sector, with over 550 corporate members around the country. http://www.austmine.com.au/
An international organisation dedicated to a safe, fair and sustainable mining and metals industry. https://www.icmm.com/
The Melbourne Mining Club is a not-for-profit organisation formed to promote the minerals industry and offer a networking forum where the biggest names in industry can meet. http://www.melbourneminingclub.com/
Formed in 1972 by a group of dedicated Perth based industry professionals who recognised the value of meeting regularly to network and discuss industry issues. https://waminingclub.asn.au/
Monthly lunch and forum for Australian mining companies. http://www.sydneyminingclub.org/
An opportunity to hear high profile speakers who will give personal insights to the Australian and global mining industry. http://www.brisbaneminingclub.com.au/
METS Ignited is an industry-led, government-funded, Growth Centre for the mining equipment, technology and services (METS) sector. https://www.metsignited.org/
The Minerals Council of Australia represents Australia’s exploration, mining and minerals processing industry, nationally and internationally, in its contribution to sustainable development and society. https://www.minerals.org.au/
AMIRA International Ltd is a member-based organisation of minerals companies and suppliers which develops, brokers and facilitates collaborative research projects. http://www.amira.com.au/
The Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC), is the leading industry representative body for mineral exploration and mining companies in Australia. https://www.amec.org.au/
CRC ORE aims to transform the minerals sector by deploying innovative world-class technology to effect a step change in value across the whole-of-mine system. https://www.crcore.org.au/
The WIMnet is a group within the AusIMM which is primarily concerned with women in mining and resources. https://www.facebook.com/AusIMMWIMnet/
Women in Mining Western Australia aims to encourage women to increase their presence in the industry. https://womeninmining.com/